Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Happy Half Term Hill Top

Literacy week 10

Day one:

Read Chapter 5 and answer the questions below

1.    What does Michael say makes the new boy a refugee?

2.    Why do you think Mum doesn’t like hearing music played on the record player?

3.    What are the narrator’s 3 top foods, and why does she like the one that is third on the list?

4.    Why might it take Mum so long to explain what a refugee is?

5.    How is Dena’s situation different to Ahmet’s?

6.    What has forced refugee children to run away?

7.    Why do you think the narrator decides not to tell Mum about trying to make friends with Ahmet?

8.    What is the best feeling in the world?

9.    How is Mum different to other parents?

10.Do you think the narrator will find out the answer to all 11 questions? Why/ why not?

Day Two:

Day three
Complete the semi-colon work found at 

Day four

Complete the work on subordinating conjunctions at

Monday, May 18, 2020

Hill Top Staff Video

Hill Top Staff Video!

The staff at Hill Top are missing our pupils and families so here is a little video from us to you. We hope that it makes you smile 😊

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Literacy week 9

The Boy at the Back of the Class Postcards – 5 Get Bookish

Day one:
This week reading is slightly different. Read Chapter 4. Then complete the questions below which focus on inferring what a person might be feeling and why they may have acted in a certain way based on the information in the text and video clips.

Why might Mrs Grimsby feel the way she does?
How does Mr Brown react? Why?
What would you say or do in this situation?
What views could be seen as offensive in chapter 4? How might we deal with them?
What is a refugee? How is that different from a migrant or asylum seeker?
Explore the experiences of refugees through films of their stories – why do people flee their countries? (see
How would it/does it feel to not speak English here?
How could we change Mrs Grimsby’s opinion so that she is more sympathetic? What would you tell her?

Day two:

Understanding word types

Day three:

Day four:

The Importance of Active Voice in Content - Content Marketing ...

Before completing the work below watch to remind yourself what is the active and passive voice.

Day five:

In chapter 4 we found out that Ahmet was a refugee but we don't know much about his story yet. Refugee coming to the UK each have their own unique story. We would like you to watch the animation of Juliane's story

Using what you have seen in the video and your inference skills as to how she may have been feeling, write three diary entries:
- leaving the orphange
- Meeting her mother again
- first day at school

Remember: diaries are personal so they use chatty yet emotive language.

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Summer Topic pt 2

Comparing People and Places

Our new topic will be looking at the similarities and differences between people and places. This will include a lot of cross-curricular work within subjects such as geography, maths, ICT, art and DT. Below you will find a range of tasks for you to work your way through. This will continue to be updated

4. Amazon in numbers
Watch the BBC videos one and two and explore the amazon rainforest on the Google ‘streetview’ weblink, as well as the satellite maps and images. You will be creating a report in the role of environmental scientists on the Amazon Basin.  write a synopsis of the region as the presentation introduction (see editorial guidelines in resource for help as to what to include). 

Data can give us a more in-depth insight into a region/ecosystem. From the data you are going to look at you need to identify and analyse some key figures to demonstrate the diversity and importance of the region in terms of its physical environment. Use the stats to create their own ‘Amazon infographic’ (computer generated or drawn) that includes data from the resources. One example is: 
Further examples of infographics and all the resources can be found at: Amazon resources

5. Losing the Amazon Rainforest

For the last 40 years the Amazon rainforest has been in a sort of three way tug over war between tribes, environmentalists and developers. Each believe they know what is the best use of the rain forest and have differing views on deforestation. 

Create a poster that is either for or against the deforestation of the amazon based on what you have seen and researched on your own if you wish. 

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Hill Top Virtual Photography Competition!

Get Your Cameras Ready!

The teachers at Hill Top have loved talking to our wonderful families over the past few weeks. It has been amazing to hear the new skills that you have been learning.

Lots of you have mentioned that you have been taking lots of pictures so we have launched the Hill Top Virtual Photography Competition!

You can use a phone or camera. Take six pictures, one for each category below. Then email your collection of six photographs to Miss Robinson.

The closing date is Friday 15th May. Remember to follow social distancing guidelines whilst taking your pictures.

Take care and have fun!

Saturday, May 9, 2020

Literacy week 8

The Boy at the Back of the Class Postcards – 5 Get Bookish
Day one:
Read Chapter 3 of the text at Chapter 3 then answer the questions below.
1. Why do you think the narrator chose words such as 'popcorn' and 'marshmallows' as his cheerful words?
2.Brendan-the-Bully-Brooker is an example of what stylistic device?
3. Find and copy the simile describing what happens when Brendan-the-Bully-Brooker tips up your lunch tray?
4.The teachers referred to Brendan-the-Bully-Brooker as 'a rascal' what synonym could you replace this word with?
5. 'like an invisible game of pass the parcel'  is an example of a simile, rewrite this sentence to change the simile to a metaphor. (pg25)
6. What were the three rumours spread about the new boy?
7. Find and copy the reason the narrator didn't believe some of the rumours?
8. What is the definition of seclusion?

Day two:
Words can have more than one meaning and can be used in different contexts. In the activities below you need to find a word that fits both sentences.

Day three:
Day four:
Read the example text of a non-chronological report. This report highlights the features of a non-chronological report. You will be writing a non-chronological report for tomorrows activity so it is important to understand the features and it will help you to write your own. You have written ones about chocolate this year (which were brilliant) so you'll do brilliantly. You can find the text at

Day five:

‘Mrs Khan was teaching us all about photosynthesis.’ (p22) 

Today's task is to write a non-chronological report on how to grow your own plant (something Miss  Stavish has been working on during this time). Things to consider when writing are:
  •  Explore what a plant needs to survive (light, water, right temperature, room to grow, nutrients etc.). 
  • What would be the impact of changing these? 
  • What happens during the process of germination? 
  • What is photosynthesis?
Can you use your non-chronological report to help you grow you own plant during this time.

Monday, May 4, 2020

Maths Week 7

Multiplication GIF | Gfycat

For this weeks maths we are revisiting multiplication. You can visit white rose maths and complete summer term week 3 on the year 5 section. This section is all about multiplication.

Each day there is a video to watch and work for you to complete. If you do not have printer, you write your answers in your book.

Click for the tasks

Challenge yourself:

Visit to practice 2 digit by 2 digit multiplication

visit to explore long multiplication

Literacy Week 7

The Boy at the Back of the Class Postcards – 5 Get Bookish
Day 1:

Read chapter 2 of The Boy at The Back of the Class. Click here to load the chapter Chapter 2

Then answer the following questions: 
1. What simile does the narrator use to describe the new boy’s eyes?
2.Why does Tom say he used to think there was ‘something wrong’ with the narrator at first?3. Why do you think that Ahmet stared at his rucksack throughout the PE lesson?
4.Why do you think that the new boy was allowed to sit on his own in history?
5.Why does no one learn what it was like to be a gladiator living in Roman times that afternoon?
6.Why does everyone crowd around Jennie outside the front gates?
7.What is one thing Jennie says she knows about the new boy. Use information from the text to support your answer.
8. Find and copy reasons why the narrator doesn’t think Ahmet is meeting his mum at the school gates.
9.What does the narrator give to Ahmet?  Why do you think she felt it was important she did this?
10.What does the narrator plan to do the next day, and why?

Day 2: 

Using what you have read in chapters 1 and 2 write a diary entry for the new boy. Chapter 2 talks about each lesson of the day so this will help you to structure each paragraph. Below is a reminder of features of a diary.

Day 3: 
Complete the singular and plural activities below

Day 4:
Complete the subordinate clause activities below. Mrs Roger's class might remember
Miss Stavish's class might remmeber: I SAW A WABUB!

Day 5:
Your challenge for today is to write a story or a poem that uses all of the subordinate conjunctions from I SAW A WABUB (see the image from day 4 to remind you) Miss Stavish has written an example poem below