Thursday, April 30, 2020

Mrs Rodgers's new skill!

Hi Year 5,

With all this spare time at home, I have challenged myself to learn a new skill. Here is a video of me practising.

I would love to know if any of you have been learning anything new or practising something you haven't done for a while for example a musical instrument?

If not, can you challenge yourself to learn something new, there are lots of tutorials on the internet to help you.

Take care and stay safe, missing you all,

Mrs Rodgers

Monday, April 27, 2020

Year 5 Email

Grammar Terms

Hi All,

Please find attached a document that explains the Grammar terms used from Year 3 to Year 6 which you may find useful whilst completing your learning.

Stay Safe

Maths Week 6

For this weeks maths we are continuing with decimals. You can visit white rose maths and complete summer term week 2 on the year 5 section. This section is all about decimals.

Each day there is a video to watch and work for you to complete. If you do not have printer, you write your answers in your book.

Click for the tasks

In your packs you were given there is a decimals knowledge organiser sheet that may help you during your work.

Challenge yourself:

Choose two numbers and find the difference between them.
14.45    16.12    13.57    8.87

Repeat this twice.

Write the missing numbers.

(a)     23.4 -        = 18.67
(b)     15.5 =         + 8.78
(c)      32.4 - 18.55 =

Literacy week 6

The Boy at the Back of the Class Postcards – 5 Get Bookish

Day 1: Reading

Read chapter 1 of 'The boy at the back of the class'. It is available at The Boy at the Back of the Class - Chapter 1

Answer the following questions:

1. What is usually the best thing about starting a brand-new term?
2. Whose fault is it that the astronaut ruler gets broken (according to the narrator)? Do you agree, and why/ why not?
3. Why does the narrator dislike maths? Use evidence from the text to support your answer
4. Why does the narrator hide snacks and chocolate bars from Tom?
5. How does the author show us that Josie is a good Best Friend?
6. Why doesn’t Michael care when people make fun of him?
7. What does Mum say about people without imaginations? What do you think she means by this?
8. List 3 reasons why Mrs Khan is a better teacher than Mr Thompson.
9. Why is everyone scared of Mrs Sanders?
10. Why does the narrator feel sorry for Ahmet as soon as he is led to the empty chair?

Day 2:
In chapter one the narrator talks of their love of comics. The narrator also gives a lot of details about their 3 best friends. Using the descriptions given in chapter one, draw Josie, Micheal and Tom as if they are characters in a comic book.

Day 3:
Using the character descriptions in chapter one as inspiration, right a character description for your three best friends. Remember that a detailed description allows readers to create an image of what that person is like. Just as the authors description of Josie, Micheal and Thomas gave you enough detail to draw them as a comic book character.

Try to include descriptive devices such as noun-phrases, similes, metaphor, personification and hyperbole.

An example about Miss Stavish's best friend:

Beth is like no-one else I have ever met. Her sarcasm can often seem quite harsh, some say that she has an acid tongue her comments are so cutting. Yet Beth's loyalty as a friend is fiercer than a dogs. She is hard faced around strangers. Never letting anyone she does not know see her emotions. Resulting in her looking like she is disinterested most of the time. However when she does smile it is wider that the grand canyon with sparkling white teeth so straight they look like they drawn with a ruler. Freckles are dotted all over her fair skin which is the perfect compliment to her luscious, long auburn hair. Her style is very much like her attitude; always put together. Never anything out of place. Her shoes always match her top and her trousers are always iron with a perfect crease down the middle.

Day 4: 
Today's work will lead in to tomorrows task. The more detail you have today the easier the task tomorrow. Today we would like you to keep a detailed diary of your day making sure to make detailed notes on description of where you were, what happened and what emotions you were feeling.

Day 5:
Today we would like you to use your notes from yesterday to create a comic of your day. Miss Stavish has created an example of one of her days where she shows how you can get varied openers and complex, detailed sentences into a comic. You can draw the comic yourself or Miss Stavish used a free trial on to create hers.

Saturday, April 25, 2020

A special message from Mrs Hayes

Mrs Hayes is missing you all very much so has sent you this message.

Mrs Hayes

Friday, April 24, 2020

“We have created our own little family in school and thank everyone for keeping us safe.”

Hello Year 5,

We hope you are staying safe and well. We thought we would share with you some of the exciting things that our lovely children have been up to this week with Mrs Roberts, Miss Wilcox and Mrs Shaw, in case you wanted to try out any of them!

1. Building masks from cardboard and paint.
2. Making balloon models using modelling balloons and you tube tutorial, 
3. Making hugs to send to someone who needs one. 
(Mrs Roberts sent one to Mrs Rodgers and Miss Wilcox sent one to Miss Hanson) Even grown ups need a hug sending!

4. Made a rainbow of hands which we have displayed in the hall window for you to see when you enter via the hall doors,

5. Playing on the gym equipment and shark attack. 

6. Today we had our very own sports day with everyone receiving a certificate and an ice pop in the sun.

“We have created our own little family in school and thank everyone for keeping us safe.”

Are the words that have been shared this week.

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Summer Topic

Comparing People and Places

Our new topic will be looking at the similarities and differences between people and places. This will include a lot of cross-curricular work within subjects such as geography, maths, ICT, art and DT. Below you will find a range of tasks for you to work your way through.  We will continue to update this page with tasks so make sure to keep checking. 

1. Where on earth are we?
Explore Yorkshire using google maps and an online conventional map which can be found at  // Consider looking at: Sheffield, Doncaster, York and Hull and considering their differences and similarities of both physical and human geography. 

Then create your own map of where you live
Click here for a guide of How to create your own map

Extra Challenge: Make a 3-d scaled map of your local area

2. Attract Visitors

After coronavirus many businesses will have lost a lot of money. Therefore your task is to research the attractions we have in Doncaster that would attract visitors to the area to boost the economy, Once you have researched popular things to do and see in Doncaster, create an advert, brochure, poster that would attract visitors to Doncaster. Remember attractions can be both physical (think canals, the river don, parks) and human features. 

3. Urban working life vs Rural working life

Jobs in urban and rural communities tend to be very different. Research urban and rural jobs. then choose a job that you would find in an urban setting and job you would find in a rural setting. 
Answer these questions:
To do these jobs what 5 steps would you have to take?
Why would it be difficult to do that job in the opposite setting?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of living in a rural setting?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of living in a urban setting?

You can present your findings how you wish, this could be a video of you explaining your findings, through adobe spark video (like we have used in school) which is free to sign up for and use at, a powerpoint, a poster or simply a pieces of writing. The choice is yours. 

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Mrs Macleod's Story Time

Hello everybody!

I hope you are all well and staying safe. I am missing you all so much so I have decided to read you a special story! My special story contains a dinosaur who is very hungry... Can you guess the title?

Clink on the link below to see!

Mrs Macleod's Story Time 

Take Care and Stay Safe

Mrs Macleod

Monday, April 20, 2020

Maths week 5

For this weeks maths you can visit white rose maths and complete summer term week 1 on the year 5 section. This section is all about decimals.

Each day there is a video to watch and work for you to complete. If you do not have printer, you write your answers in your book.

Click for the tasks

In your packs you were given there is a decimals knowledge organiser sheet that may help you during your work.

Literacy week 5

Hi everyone. This week we have decided to do literacy a little differently. BBC bitesize have created some wonderful lessons with videos and tasks designed to help develop your learning. Some tasks have sheets and we understand that some of you do not have access to a printer so any work can be done on paper or in your book. Simply write the title of the worksheet and then your work below it.

Lessons can be found at BBC Bitesize Year 5

Sunday, April 19, 2020

DT CHallenge

DT Challenge

Who is up for a challenge? Who wants to be creative?

Mrs Roberts is setting a DT challenge with awards for each year group – your challenge is to either:

1. plan, make and evaluate a model based on a book using junk/recyclable materials.

2. Plan, make and evaluate a meal based on a book (including recipe and instructions).

Lighthouse from Lighthouse Keepers Lunch
Tiger Mask from The Tiger Who Came to Tea.
Green eggs and Ham: Deviled Green Eggs and Ham
Mr Popper’s Penguins: Penguin cupcakes
Charlie and The Chocolate Factory: Blueberry Ice cream

Don’t forget to Take pictures!

Friday, April 17, 2020

Thank you Key Workers

Our lovely children have created a video this week for all our wonderful key-workers!
Thank you for all the amazing work that you are doing in keeping our country safe during these unprecedented times.
A big thank you to Miss Hanson, Miss James, Miss Mee and our wonderful children.

Monday, April 13, 2020

Literacy week 4

This weeks literacy is geography based, all about mountains and rivers

Task 1: Reading Comprehension
1. In your own words, explain how a river is made.

2. a) Why can the Nile river be seen from space?

b) Why do you think so many people are living by this river?

3. How do you think the Amazon rainforest might depend on the Amazon river?

4. Complete the sentences with the correct words from the text.  Rivers are _______for life as we know it. They carry  ____________ and important ___________all around the world and are         
____________for millions of __________ of plants and animals.
5. Name three ways in which humans use rivers.

6. a) Find and copy a caption from the text.

  b) Why do you think captions are important in this text?

7. a) What is the meaning of the word ‘contaminate’?

  b) Why has the author put some words in bold?

Task 2:

1. What was the tragic event that prompted Dashrath Manjhi to spend so long carving a passageway through the mountain?

2. What did other people initially think of Manjhi’s project when he first started?

3. Look at the first two paragraphs. Find and copy a word which means ‘remote or far away from other places, buildings or people’.

'The labourer said that he never wanted anyone else to suffer the same fate as his wife.’
 What does this suggest about Manjhi’s character?

5. What is meant by a ‘state funeral’ and what does this suggest about the way the government felt about Dashrath Manjhi’s actions?

6.  How do you think local people felt when the road through the mountain was finally completed?

7. Look at the Location Fact File. Which direction is Nepal from India?

8. Look at the section The Mountains of India. What are the positive and negative aspects of the mountains attracting tourists to the region?

9. Complete the information about The Mountains of India. The first one has been done for you.

Highest peak of the Kanchenjunga in number of feet: 28,000
Total number of peaks on the Kanchenjunga mountain
Number of species of birds in the national park
Number of countries over which the Himalayas are spread

10. Explain why the mountains in the Great Himalayan Range are important to India as a country.

Task 3: Re-write the passage 
This year we have worked on editing throughout the year. With that in mind, your task is to re-write the passage below correcting any mistakes. Make sure to consider: capital letters, punctuation, correct tenses and spellings.

Task 4: Story

Your final task of the week is to continue the story passed on the passage you re-wrote out correctly yesterday. Make sure to try and write descriptively so it draws the reader in. Here is a video to remind you how this can be done

Maths week 4

For this weeks maths you can visit white rose maths and complete week 2 on the year 5 section. Each day there is a video to watch and work for you to complete. If you do not have printer, you write your answers in your book.

Click for the tasks

Thursday, April 9, 2020

We Miss You!

Children of Edlington - You Are Awesome!


Today the pupils coming to Hill Top created a music video to send their support to all of the children of Edlington and to celebrate how wonderful you all are!
We hope that you enjoy it!
Miss Robinson

Special thanks to Mrs Dyer, Mrs Rogers and Miss Wood for helping to make the video and for providing a wonderful week in school for our children.

Tuesday, April 7, 2020


Miss Stavish knows that whilst we have not been in school we have all been missing our music lessons so she has created a log in for each of you so you can do some music lessons at home.

Each of you have a username which is the first 3 letters of your first name and the first three letters of your last name. For example if your name was Alex Smith your username would be alesmi
Everyone's password is set as password.

Below is a video of Miss Stavish logging in to show you how it will look.

Sunday, April 5, 2020

Literacy week 3

This weeks literacy will be linked to science this week.

Day 1 Task:

To complete the reading comprehension about the moon. Answers can be written in your workbooks.


1. What is a rhetorical question ans why do you think the author choose to open the non-chronological report with a rhetorical question?

2. Find and copy the synonym for 'dry'

3. How long does a day last on the moon?

4. What does the word satellite mean? How many Satellites does earth have?

5. What does the word waxing mean?

6. How long did Niel Armstrong's colleagues stay in quarantine?

7. Explain using information from the text why the moon has different phases.

8. 'Only 12 people have ever walked on the moon!' Why do you think an exclamation mark was used at the end of this sentence?

9.Name one way in which the moon is similar to the earth and one way in which it is different

10. Why do you think so many people watched the moon landing?

11. Find and copy the word that means 'attached'

Day 2 Task:

There are many types of stars in our solar system. Research the types of stars and write a report on stars.
Consider: what types of stars are there? how are they different? what is the life cycle of a star? which star is the largest? what is the brightest star in the sky past, present and future? do stars move, if so how?
A great place to start is at

Day 3 Task:

Click on the links to watch the 2 videos about the moon.

Using the information from the videos, reading from this week and your prior knowledge, in your books we would like you to justify in detail using scientific vocabulary what is special about the moon and how our lives would be impacted if the moon was to disappear.

Day 4 Task:

Image you are an astronaut sent to explore the depths of our vast galaxy, The Milky Way. Whilst exploring you come across a small planet that has yet to have been discovered until now. You decide to land on this planet and explore. Write a descriptive setting of the planet. Make sure to consider all five of your senses: see, hear, touch, smell and taste.

Maths Week 3

This weeks maths is all about angles.

Day 1


Create an information poster all about angles. Here are some examples of what your poster could look like

Day 2


 Day 3 Task
Day 4 Task

Day 5