Thursday, April 23, 2020

Summer Topic

Comparing People and Places

Our new topic will be looking at the similarities and differences between people and places. This will include a lot of cross-curricular work within subjects such as geography, maths, ICT, art and DT. Below you will find a range of tasks for you to work your way through.  We will continue to update this page with tasks so make sure to keep checking. 

1. Where on earth are we?
Explore Yorkshire using google maps and an online conventional map which can be found at  // Consider looking at: Sheffield, Doncaster, York and Hull and considering their differences and similarities of both physical and human geography. 

Then create your own map of where you live
Click here for a guide of How to create your own map

Extra Challenge: Make a 3-d scaled map of your local area

2. Attract Visitors

After coronavirus many businesses will have lost a lot of money. Therefore your task is to research the attractions we have in Doncaster that would attract visitors to the area to boost the economy, Once you have researched popular things to do and see in Doncaster, create an advert, brochure, poster that would attract visitors to Doncaster. Remember attractions can be both physical (think canals, the river don, parks) and human features. 

3. Urban working life vs Rural working life

Jobs in urban and rural communities tend to be very different. Research urban and rural jobs. then choose a job that you would find in an urban setting and job you would find in a rural setting. 
Answer these questions:
To do these jobs what 5 steps would you have to take?
Why would it be difficult to do that job in the opposite setting?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of living in a rural setting?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of living in a urban setting?

You can present your findings how you wish, this could be a video of you explaining your findings, through adobe spark video (like we have used in school) which is free to sign up for and use at, a powerpoint, a poster or simply a pieces of writing. The choice is yours. 

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