Sunday, April 5, 2020

Literacy week 3

This weeks literacy will be linked to science this week.

Day 1 Task:

To complete the reading comprehension about the moon. Answers can be written in your workbooks.


1. What is a rhetorical question ans why do you think the author choose to open the non-chronological report with a rhetorical question?

2. Find and copy the synonym for 'dry'

3. How long does a day last on the moon?

4. What does the word satellite mean? How many Satellites does earth have?

5. What does the word waxing mean?

6. How long did Niel Armstrong's colleagues stay in quarantine?

7. Explain using information from the text why the moon has different phases.

8. 'Only 12 people have ever walked on the moon!' Why do you think an exclamation mark was used at the end of this sentence?

9.Name one way in which the moon is similar to the earth and one way in which it is different

10. Why do you think so many people watched the moon landing?

11. Find and copy the word that means 'attached'

Day 2 Task:

There are many types of stars in our solar system. Research the types of stars and write a report on stars.
Consider: what types of stars are there? how are they different? what is the life cycle of a star? which star is the largest? what is the brightest star in the sky past, present and future? do stars move, if so how?
A great place to start is at

Day 3 Task:

Click on the links to watch the 2 videos about the moon.

Using the information from the videos, reading from this week and your prior knowledge, in your books we would like you to justify in detail using scientific vocabulary what is special about the moon and how our lives would be impacted if the moon was to disappear.

Day 4 Task:

Image you are an astronaut sent to explore the depths of our vast galaxy, The Milky Way. Whilst exploring you come across a small planet that has yet to have been discovered until now. You decide to land on this planet and explore. Write a descriptive setting of the planet. Make sure to consider all five of your senses: see, hear, touch, smell and taste.

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